A human being

The name I am given is Timothy Lee Cress, a consciousness being in a human vessel.
During this life time I regained several skills and talents.

I remembered how to observe, without judgement.
Feeling and seeing energy flowing or stagnating in living beings and other forms of awareness.
Is a gift and a talent everyone has inside them, you only need to unlock your senses.

With an open and grateful attitude I observe and guide others with words and touch.
While in that special moment everything can get to the surface and looked at and be transformed into something new.

Besides observing I have gained skills in several working area's. I had the opportunity to work with a organisations that stood out.
As a technician I learned how to work with different tools, from tiny precision projects like soldering connectors, to mounting constructions for video-walls or auditorium.
Or creating mobile solutions for events and temporary solutions. All in the age when IT just entered the work field.

The shift from analog to a digital world

Creation is part of my core being, just like you.
Without creation nothing can exist. While on the other hand every thing exists already, we just need to become aware of it.

It gives me energy and satisfaction to create. Planting a tree, doing repairs or interacting with others, keeping space.

I have recalled several ways to be grateful. From a physical view the tinniest things like a flower, a vertebra or something bigger like a piece of art.
No matter the size, everything created with life-force energy, with passion, with love is to be grateful for.

The art of cellular transformation

Energetic Bodywork

Our body has trillions of cells and each cell has a memory. Together with believes, emotions, external programming and experiences our body becomes one big storage system.

At one point in our live we forget who we are. Mostly we accept our behavior and the way we move through life. But somewhere deep inside you, you know that this is not who you are.

All these external factors influencing your life, can make you feel like "being pushed" around, far from your authentic self.

There are many forms of decoding yourself, or methods to remember who you are.
There is breathwork, hypnoses, stillness retreats or many other forms of therapy and coaching/counseling sessions. Each form can support you in pealing down all the layers to feel your authentic self.

With my skills I am able to see past the physical form of our body. I am able to see the energetic lines, connection points and energy centers, connected to your nerve system.

By intuitive connecting different points, a memory appears and is asked to be seen and to be felt.

In a quantum way, we are able to change that feeling, thought or memory instantly. 

The more layers are been removed, the closer you get by your authentic self and once you felt who you truly are, that warm unique feeling in your heart. And you recognize "yes this is who I am". You no longer need to peel from the outside, you can peel from inside out.

That wonderful being who you are can grow each moment of the day. You can put yourself in front of all those layers and rewrite your own unique code.

To keep it simple

For who?

  • For those who want to remember who they are

  • You feel stuk in an emotional or mental loop.
  • You are constantly in touch with others and find it difficult to find your inner peace.

  • You feel the need to have someone who can support you with your journey

  • You feel the need to experience balance.
gift to yourself

The benefits

  • Your energy flows again and is in balance

  • You create space an insights for your true being

  • You remember your greatness

  • You remember safety and trust

  • You experience inner peace



Course centre Avanturijn

Voetiusstraat 3
3512 JL Utrecht

Public transport:
From Utrecht Central Station it is 20-30 minutes walk and the location is easily accessible by bus.

It is advisable to park at Hoog Catharijne and from there go by foot or by bus.


The exchange

There are two rates, for adults (16+) and from the age 8 till 15.

Adults (16+): €135,-
8 till 15: €110,-

An appointment takes about 1,5 hour of your time. 

If you are for some reason not able to pay the (full) fee, feel free to contact me and we will find a way.

Would you like to give a session as a gift?
With pay it forward, you will receive a personal coupon as a digital gift card.

Up till 24 hours in advance, appointments can be canceled free of charge.
After 24 hours; 90% of the fee will be charged.

Book now


For any questions, information or to book an appointment, fill out the contact form.

Chamber of Commerce 75006677
CAT registration 73482022-01-29

CAT Collective

Professional association

As a member of the CAT Collective, I fall under CHPGZ Complaint Law and disciplinary law at the Dispute Authority Alternative Therapists (GAT). GAT is a nationally recognized and completely incomparable CHPGZ Disputes Committee. For more information about the complaints procedure go to:https://gatgeschillen.nl

As a CAT therapist (practitioner) I work according to the guidelines of the GAT professional code. For more information go to:https://gatgeschillen.nl/professional code/